Monday, February 1, 2010

Anna Dello Russo Treats Her Streetstyle "Like a Job"

Anna Dello Russo Treats Her Streetstyle "Like a Job": "

>> Anna Dello Russo, stylist and fashion director-at-large at Vogue Nippon, credits The Sartorialist's Scott Schuman with giving her 'another career' as a streetstyle star, she tells Swide. 'Us lot were invisible; there was the model, the photographer and a whole team of people. When the camera turned to us it enabled us to start a new career. The styling work was the same, only done to myself. And so when the whole thing happened I was prepared, I knew what to do.'

She says that capturing streetstyle is in many ways like staging a fashion magazine editorial. 'The whole streetstyle thing these days is like a job, it's all planned and thought up in advance; it's not as though you just 'happen' to run into one another. Outfits are prepared in advance . . . I get ready like six months beforehand. I edit the clothes (about 90 outfits for each fashion week). I think of what would look good on camera . . . I just hope it doesn't end up making it lose its spontaneity and make it become fake.'


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